Results for 'Eduardo Della Foresta'

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  1.  22
    Tradução: de Lukács à escola de Frankfurt.Bruna Della Torre de Carvalho Lima & Eduardo Altheman Camargo Santos - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (spe):379-410.
    Thomas Kuhn is mostly known for his contributions to the philosophy of science. However, it was chiefly to investigations in philosophy of language that he dedicated the last part of his career. The aim of this paper is to present a systematic view of Kuhn’s main ideas on this subject. I start by describing his theory of concept, in particular what he says about kind terms. Such terms, acquired in blocks that form contrast sets or “taxonomies,” are learned through ostensible (...)
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    Cem anos do Instituto de Pesquisa Social. Entrevista com Martin Jay.Bruna Della Torre & Eduardo Altheman - 2023 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 28 (3):111-124.
    Entrevista com Martin Jay (Universidade de Berkeley, Califórnia), por Bruna Della Torre e Eduardo Altheman.
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    La Foresta di Cristallo. Note sull'ontologia degli spiriti amazzonici.Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Valeria Bizzari & Luca Filaci - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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  4. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494).Eduardo Antonietta - 1963 - Humanitas 16:193-198.
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  5. La grammatica Della gratitudine: Suggestioni francescane dall'ottica Della gratuità.Eduardo Marazzi - 2012 - Miscellanea Francescana 112 (3-4):691-730.
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    La dialettica della colonialità. Verso una coscienza decoloniale postsecolare.Eduardo Mendieta - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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    La foresta incantata: patologia della Germania moderna.Flavio Cuniberto - 2010 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    The Parmenidean Ascent.Michael Della Rocca - 2020 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oup Usa.
    The Parmenidean Ascent is a full-throated and wide-ranging defense of an extreme form of monism or the denial of all distinctions, a form of monism rarely seen since the time of the pre-Socratic philosopher, Parmenides. At once historically sensitive and deeply engaged with trends in recent and contemporary metaphysics, philosophy of action, epistemology, and philosophy of language, The Parmenidean Ascent aims, on rationalist grounds and in a skeptical spirit, to challenge the content of-and to overturn the methods of much of (...)
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    Universalismo e relativismo nell'etica contemporanea.Aldo Vendemiati - 2007 - Genova: Marietti 1820.
    INTRODUZIONE 2 1. POVERA E NUDA VAI, FILOSOFIA… 19 1.1 TRA SCIAMANI E CALCOLATORI 20 1.2 AUTOCASTRAZIONI E DINTORNI 25 1.2.1 Debes, ergo potes 26 Scienze della natura e scienze dello spirito 27 Orizzonti di responsabilità 32 Ritrovare la saggezza 36 1.2.2 Potes, ergo debes 37 Disintegrando la frammentazione 40 Disarticolando lo smembramento 51 Oltrepassando l’autosuperamento 58 1.3 IL (MIO) PUNTO DI VISTA 62 2. GLOBALIZZAZIONE E UNIVERSALISMO 70 2.1 PENSARE LA GLOBALIZZAZIONE 73 (...)
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  10. The Power of an Idea: Spinoza's Critique of Pure Will.Michael Della Rocca - 2003 - Noûs 37 (2):200-231.
  11. Tamers, deniers, and me.Michael Della Rocca - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (4):1101-1119.
    This paper critically examines a prominent and perennial strategy—found in thinkers as diverse as Kant and Shamik Dasgupta—of simultaneously embracing the Principle of Sufficient Reason and also limiting it so as to avoid certain apparently negative consequences of an unrestricted PSR. I will argue that this strategy of taming the PSR faces significant challenges and may even be incoherent. And for my purposes, I will enlist a generally derided argument by Leibniz for the PSR which will help us to see (...)
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    What's True in Truth and Reconciliation? Why Epistemic Justice is of Paramount Importance in Addressing Structural Racism in Healthcare.Yoann Della Croce, Matteo Gianni & Valeria Marino - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):92-94.
    In their address of structural racism in healthcare, Sabatello and colleagues provide both a remarkable review of the empirical literature regarding the disproportionate impacts of the COVID...
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    Decolonizing ethics: the critical theory of Enrique Dussel.Amy Allen & Eduardo Mendieta (eds.) - 2021 - University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
    A collection of essays on the work of Latin American philosopher Enrique Dussel, focusing on his ethics of liberation.
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    Hazel Joan Rowley (1951 - 2011).Della Rowley & Many Admirers - 2011 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 27 (1):98-101.
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    Oliveira, jelson R. compreender Hans Jonas. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2014. Isbn 978-85-326-4824-2.Eduardo Augusto G. B. Moreno - 2014 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 5 (9):63-65.
    Jelson Roberto de Oliveira, autor de “Compreender Hans Jonas”, é graduado em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Paraná, com especialização em Sociologia Política e mestrado em História da Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea pela mesma universidade. Atualmente é professor da pós-graduação em Filosofia na PUC-PR, e coordenador do GT Hans Jonas, da Anpof, que reúne vários pesquisadores de nível nacional na área. Ética para a civilização tecnológica e A solidão como virtude moral em Nietzsche são alguns dos diversos títulos que compõem (...)
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  16. Deactivating Cardiac Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators in Terminally Ill Patients.Juan Pablo Beca, Eduardo Rosselot, René Asenjo, Verónica Anguita & Rafael Quevedo - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (3):236.
    A 68-year-old patient who suffered from gastric cancer diagnosed 8 months earlier presented with multiple peritoneal and hepatic metastasis, despite several rounds of chemo- and radiotherapy. After admission to hospital, his general condition quickly became severely compromised. He was nearly emaciated, despite being on partial parenteral feeding. Four years earlier, due to a cardiac arrhythmia that was refractory to medication, the patient had a cardiac pacemaker implanted, regulated to go off at frequencies of below 70 beats per minute. Given the (...)
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    (1 other version)Autori.A. Cura Della Redazione - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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    Paradoxes of communication: The case of modern classical music.Eduardo De La Fuente - 2010 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 1 (2):237-250.
    This article examines how the twentieth-century composer dealt with the paradox of communicating with the composer's own self and with other musicians, but not with the public at large.
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    Ethics and Genetics in Latin America.Eduardo Rivera-Lóez - 2002 - Developing World Bioethics 2 (1):11-20.
    Genetic research in human beings poses deep ethical problems, one being the problem of distributive justice. If we suppose that genetic technologies are able to produce visible benefits for the well being of people, and that these benefits are affordable to only a favored portion of society, then the consequence is obvious. We are introducing a new source of inequality. In the first section of this paper, I attempt to justify some concern for the distributive consequences of applying genetics to (...)
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  20. Chiave della Dialettica storica.Galvano Della Volpe - 1972 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 162:386-386.
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    El Pensamiento Ambiental en Argentina.Daniel Eduardo Gutiérrez - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (4):65-75.
    A diferencia de la filosofía ambiental colombiana, que alcanza un cierto grado de unidad debido a la influencia de la obra de Augusto Ángel-Maya, la filosofía ambiental argentina es más diversa en su panorama de puntos de vista y enfoques. A pesar de que no podría afirmarse que constituyen una filosofía ambiental propiamente tal, los escritos de Rodolfo Kusch podrían hacer una contribución significativa a un pensamiento ambiental anclado en las peculiaridades de nuestra cultura. Alicia Irene Bugallo ha trabajado en (...)
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    Hacia una fundamentación filosófica de los derechos humanos: una puesta en diálogo.Carlos Eduardo Maldonado - 1994 - Santafé de Bogotá, D.C.: Escuela Superior de Administración Pública, Instituto de Derechos Humanos "Guillermo Cano".
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    The Emotion Regulation Roots of Job Satisfaction.Hector P. Madrid, Eduardo Barros & Cristian A. Vasquez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:609933.
    Job satisfaction is a core variable in the study and practice of organizational psychology because of its implications for desirable work outcomes. Knowledge of its antecedents is abundant and informative, but there are still psychological processes underlying job satisfaction that have not received complete attention. This is the case of employee emotion regulation. In this study, we argue that employees’ behaviors directed to manage their affective states participate in their level of job satisfaction and hypothesize that employee affect-improving and -worsening (...)
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    Chapter 12. Pictorial metaphors of emotion in Japanese comics.Eduardo Urios-Aparisi & Charles J. Forceville - 2009 - In Eduardo Urios-Aparisi & Charles J. Forceville (eds.), Multimodal Metaphor. Mouton de Gruyter.
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  25. Presentación.Eduardo Risco del Valle - 2024 - Alpha (Osorno) 58:6-8.
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    Self-regulation of Sexist Digital Advertising: From Ethics to Law.David López Jiménez, Eduardo Carlos Dittmar & Jenny Patricia Vargas Portillo - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (4):709-718.
    Advertising is a booming activity both in the physical realm and on the Internet. Online advertising is growing and is subject to legal standards, although some self-imposed ethical standards for the industry are needed. This has been called self-regulation. This article examines the important role that self-regulation can play in addressing advertising that uses degrading and discriminatory images of women that compromise their dignity. Sexist advertising is a reification of women—stereotypes and sexist social models—that do not convey a realistic image (...)
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  27.  21
    Nulla Libertarian Poena Sine NAP: Reexamination of Libertarian Theories of Punishment.David Marcos & Eduardo Blasco - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (2):83-89.
    Libertarianism deals with what the law should be. In this article, we focus on what the appropriate law to punish criminals should be in a libertarian society; that is, one that respects the Non-Aggression Principle and property rights. We examine various theories of punishment and explain why some are incompatible with libertarianism. We contribute to the latest libertarian theory of punishment suggesting the necessity to take time preference into consideration. We conclude stating a limit and a limitation to libertarian punishment (...)
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  28.  13
    O valor do amanhã: ensaio sobre a natureza dos juros.Eduardo Giannetti da Fonseca - 2005 - [São Paulo, Brazil]: Companhia das Letras.
    Os juros fazem parte da vida de todos - aparecem tanto nas discussões sobre o crescimento econômico da nação como em aspectos miúdos do dia-a-dia. O Princípio econômico é simples: o devedor antecipa um benefício para desfrute imediato e se compromete a pagar por isso mais tarde, e quem empresta cede algo de que dispõe agora e espera receber um montante superior no final da transação. EM O valor do amanhã, Eduardo Giannetti defende que este aspecto dos juros é (...)
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    Hannah Arendt - Filosofia e Política.Eduardo Jardim De Moraes - 1999 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 4 (2):49-66.
    O artigo apresenta a visão de Hannah Arendt de três momentos em que se configura, na história da filosofia política, a relação entre filosofia e política.O primeiro é o contexto antigo, representado na obra de Platão, quando a filosofia é entendida como metafísica e o conceito central da política é o de autoridade.O segundo remete à moderna crise do conceito metafísico de verdade e do conceito político de autoridade.O terceiro refere-se à leitura de Arendt da obra de Kant e aponta (...)
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  30. Ensayos sobre la dialéctica: estudios sobre la dialéctica en Hegel y Marx.Eduardo Vásquez - 1982 - Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Dirección de Cultura.
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    O direito natural na época de Sócrates.Eduardo García Máynez - 2010 - Rio: ABC editora. Edited by Mariza Ferreira Aderaldo.
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    Análisis de Los aspectos fundamentales de la comprensión jurídica en Carl Schmitt Y exposición de sus alcances fiLosófico-generales para la comprensión.Hugo Eduardo Herrera - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (142):85-102.
    RESUMEN En este trabajo intento determinar, a partir de textos escogidos de todas las épocas de la producción teórica de Carl Schmitt, de qué manera este autor entiende la comprensión jurídica y de qué manera este modo de comprensión tiene alcances generales para la comprensión práctica. En la medida en que el derecho tematiza las condiciones y los polos de la comprensión, la posición del jurista se distancia tanto de la inclinación hacia el polo ideal, que Schmitt identifica con la (...)
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  33. Nonideal Ethics.Eduardo Rivera-López - 2013 - In Nonideal Ethics. Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Neurofilosofia da Racionalidade: Críticas e Propostas a Partir da Filosofia e Das Neurociências.Carlos Eduardo B. de Sousa - 2014 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 6 (12):156-183.
    A neurociência visa entender o funcionamento do cérebro e sua influência no comportamento consciente. Achados neurocientíficos recentes sugerem que processos decisórios são causados por eventos neurobiológicos. A partir destes achados, alguns neurocientistas “decidiram” defender a hipótese de que o cérebro seria o real causador das ações. O determinismo neural implícito sugere que “racionalidade” e “consciência” seriam ilusórias. Esta visão vai contra uma concepção clássica de racionalidade. Contudo, aceitar ou não esta nova ideia requer um tipo de racionalidade mínima capaz de (...)
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    Leonard Eugene Dickson and his work in the Arithmetics of Algebras.Della Dumbaugh Fenster - 1998 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 52 (2):119-159.
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  36. Naturaleza maestra... no.Eduardo T. Cabarrús - 1945 - Guatemala, C.A.: [Unión Tipográfica Castañeda, Avila y cía.].
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  37. Otto Weininger e la crisi della cultura austriaca.Roberto Della Pietra - 1985 - Napoli: Libreria Sapere.
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  38. Introducción al estudio del derecho..Eduardo García Máynez - 1944 - México,: D.F..
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    Georg Simmel: una antropología filosófica.Eduardo Gutiérrez Gutiérrez - 2018 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 23 (2).
    En los últimos años se está produciendo una importante recuperación del pensamiento de Georg Simmel. Dicha importancia no radica sólo en el valor de Simmel como clásico de la filosofía, sino también en la imperiosa actualidad de sus teorías e ideas filosóficas y sociológicas. A estos esfuerzos de actualización del pensamiento simmeliano quiero sumar un estudio de las principales ideas de su antropología filosófica. El hecho de que podamos tomar su antropología como una síntesis y modernización de la tesis marxistas (...)
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    Cambios socio-políticos e institucionales de la democracia venezolana en el gobierno de Hugo Chá vez (1998-2002).Juan Eduardo Romero Jiménez - 2003 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 8 (22):7-43.
    Based on a theoretical approach to current problems of democracy, the amplification of the public citizen action sphere, and changes generated by the transitions in democratic systems, the Venezuelan political process is analyzed since the rise to power of Hugo Chávez in 1998. The Chavez pheno..
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  41. La alternativa sistémica, cibernética y sinergética.Elohim [Y.] Eduardo Oliva-López Jiménez López - 1995 - Ludus Vitalis 3 (4):195-210.
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  42. La „Querela Pacis “di Erasmo rivisitata.Francisco Eduardo Trusso - 1993 - Aquinas 36 (2):405-409.
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  43. La transgresión pornográfica : un problema de ideología.Arnulfo Eduardo Velasco - 2013 - In Agustín Vaca & Louis Cardaillac (eds.), De transgresiones y transgresores: historia y cultura. Zapopan, Jalisco: El Colegio de Jalisco.
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    Rousseau und Kant als Friedenstheoretiker: Eine kurze vergleichende Analyse: Eine Skizze des philosophischen Verhältnisses zwischen Rousseau und Kant.Eduardo Charpenel Elorduy & Dulce María Granja Castro - 2014 - In Mario Egger (ed.), Philosophie Nach Kant: Neue Wege Zum Verständnis von Kants Transzendental- Und Moralphilosophie. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 403-424.
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    Moendo os corpos para alimentar a alma: pedagogia jesuítica e escravidão na Bahia colonial.Fábio Eduardo Cressoni - 2011 - Dialogos 15 (3).
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    Eliot’s Spinoza. A Critical Notice of Spinoza’s Ethics.Michael Della Rocca - forthcoming - Mind.
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    Long Term Follow-Up on Pediatric Cases With Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes—A Retrospective Single Centre Cohort Study.Adela Della Marina, Eva Wibbeler, Angela Abicht, Heike Kölbel, Hanns Lochmüller, Andreas Roos & Ulrike Schara - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Introduction: Congenital myasthenic syndromes refer to a heterogenic group of neuromuscular transmission disorders. CMS-subtypes are diverse regarding exercise intolerance and muscular weakness, varying from mild symptoms to life-limiting forms with neonatal onset. Long-term follow-up studies on disease progression and treatment-response in pediatric patients are rare.Patients and Methods: We analyzed retrospective clinical and medication data in a cohort of 32 CMS-patients including the application of a standardized, not yet validated test to examine muscular strength and endurance in 21 patients at the (...)
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    (2 other versions)Filosofía del derecho.Eduardo García Máynez - 1974 - México: Editorial Porrúa.
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    Ein neues Interesse der Philosophie an der Religion? Zur philosophischen Bewandtnis von postsäkularem Bewusstsein und multikultureller Weltgesellschaft.Jürgen Habermas & Eduardo Mendieta - 2010 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (1):3-16.
    In this interview with Eduardo Mendieta, Jürgen Habermas provides his perspective on the philosophical meanings of post-secular consciousness as well as of multi-cultural global society.
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    El discurso de la emancipación y la “política de la identidad” de las sociedades democráticas.Pedro Eduardo Moscoso Flores - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:317 - 326.
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